So another crazy person has done something crazy in
Newtown CT and those who want to destroy the US Constitution are once again up
in arms. These people disgust me! They have no concept of the document or the
reasoning behind it, but they think they know what is best for everyone.
First I want to point out that CT has the fifth toughest
gun laws in the USA and this did not stop the shooter. Why?
Because you cannot stop crazy people from doing crazy things by passing
crazy laws! That is just crazy. Yet this is the logic of the liberal. They were raised in their comfortable
suburban environment and those hardships have given them wisdom on how to make
the USA and the world a better place.
They also seem to point out how prohibition has made marijuana very
profitable and available, but somehow they think guns will be different. Guns that are sold in the USA have to meet
regulations which prevent them from being modified back to military
specifications. Make weapons illegal and
criminals will end up with military spec weapons. How will they get them? They are criminals; they will get them from
criminal markets or just steal them.
They will only make a bad situation worst.
What they should be talking about is how to deal with crazy
people. It is obvious medication is not
working. Too many Americans are
medicated for more mental diseases than I can imagine or care to do research
on. Forty years ago children were hyper
and needed a spanking, today they have ADD and need to be medicated. If we have an explosion of mental disease in
this country we need to ask why and what is causing it. The hyper kids of 40 years ago did not go on
shooting sprees and guns were more easily available back then. Please do not say assault rifles, they are
sporting rifles, because they do not meet military specifications! Stupid liberals always are trying to use
words to make something scary or evil.
Instead of attacking the Second Amendment, why are they
not attacking the First Amendment? Our
society has glorified people getting their fifteen minutes of fame through any
means. We have reality television shows,
daytime shows like Jerry Springer (not sure what to call them) and the news
media that will jump on anything to improve their ratings. By claiming they are reporting the news, the
media is above blame. Then if they claim
it is entertainment, but looks like the news; they can say almost anything they
choose. So where is the battle cry to
limit the First Amendment? This insane
person was probably watching the Aurora CO shooter footage back in July and
that helped motivate and inspire him. He
probably had fantasies for months and when his life snapped he went for it full
steam. Now if the media had not made
such a big deal for Aurora for the ratings, then maybe this tragedy could have
been avoided. We can do this! The logic follows the liberal belief in
politically correct speech. By changing
speech we can change how people think.
Think I am full of shit? Then why
do we always hear about copycat crimes and killers? Why are there surely extra security measures in
place or being discussed, at every public school across the USA this week? Because we have become unhinged as a people
and liberal ideology proves this.
The fact of the matter is that we are a violent culture
and nothing that liberals do will stop us from being violent. Gun control does not work, just look at
countries that have it. The only ones
that it appears to be effective in have a culture that is drastically different
from ours. “You are forgetting about
the UK!” No I am not. The UK has much more trust in their
government and deference to authority.
Japan has deference to authority as part of their culture. Canada is more like the UK than the USA. Even though they are one of our closest
friends, we must remember that at the end of the Revolutionary War, loyalists
went north.
No matter how great the tragedy was, it does not justify
attacking the Constitution. The
Constitution is what holds the USA together.
Any assault on the Constitution is an assault on the past, present and
future of every single American. So all
the holier than thou people can cry on television all they want. I will ignore them, because they are
selfish. Their real agenda is to make
the USA into something that they believe will be perfect and I reject their
vision. Even if my own child was killed
as a result of gun violence, I would blame the person and not the tool. Yet since liberals never want to blame crazy
people for their actions, they cast the blame on the tool.
And you people wonder why I hate liberals so damn
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