I am very concerned with the
bill the Gang of Eight has put together.
I am in complete agreement with Senator Ted Cruz that this bill is not
good for America! I would ask that you
stand against it the way it is written.
I also have concerns that
are not mentioned. First why are we
trying to add millions to the workforce when tens of millions are under or
unemployed? Why are we rewarding people
who violate the rule of law? Why are we
going to allow every illegal immigrant who was returned to their home country
to return? This is not something that a
logically thinking American citizen would put together when it pertained to
their home and personal property. So why
is the Senate doing something that logical dictates so clearly against?
If you break the law, you
face the consequences for your actions. That is a basic premise of
responsibility and a concept that has made America great. We cannot be granting exceptions to the law
just because of protests. Would we
legalize meth if one million meth addicts marched on Washington?
Why are businesses that
violate the law not going to be prosecuted? Why does E-verify not get expanded
and instead a new system is put in place similar to E-verify. E-verify has been a great success and
deserves to be expanded rather than scrapped.
The USA has plenty of
uneducated and low skill workers, adding more will only add to the burden that
our country carries. It is the right of
every country to control its borders and decide who may and may not enter. The immigration system is on life support,
but this bill will kill it. The Gang of
Eight make horrible surgeons! I see this
bill as nothing but catering to every single special interest group in the USA
(from illegals to labor to business). It
is time for our elected officials to do the right thing, rather than the
politically expedient thing.
Thank you,